Thursday, August 21, 2008

My poor toes...

killer heels by S.o.L.e.

You know, for an eleven hour shift, my day at work went by very quickly. I was able to pull in $123 plus some quarters for my piggy bank. I put the $3 in my wallet for spending money, the other $120 will go in the bank, probably on Friday. I am covering a coworkers shift tomorrow (well today actually) so I'll probably make another $50. Then I work two shifts on Friday, I get to be the part time help during the lunch rush, which doesn't pull in a whole lot, probably $30ish and then I come back and become 'super-busser TM) in which I get paid a salary, plus a small tip out by the other servers. It's all very exciting. I should be able to put around $250 in the bank on Friday in between my shifts, and my paycheck should look pretty dandy in about a week and a half, though that does go to Septembers income, shame.


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