Thursday, November 6, 2008

A Month of Firsts

This month will mark a big series of firsts and dilemmas for me and I am excited yet a little nervous.
The first one was Voting! I am thrilled to say that I am now a citizen who has done her patriotic duty for the first time. Yay Obama!
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The second one is that I am hosting Thanksgiving dinner at my tiny apartment this year as my grandparents don't feel up to it. I'm trying to think of ways to make an absolutely fabulous dinner that will shock and awe while not breaking my budget. I have a list of foods that I want to prepare, but I may need to stop at the thrift store to pick up another casserole pan and some other things that I am not sure of. I'm hoping it will go well because I think it will be a good step in cementing my own adult identity by making my own traditions and showing my grandparents that I can cook without burning down my house.
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(one can hope!)

I was very happy with myself for almost meeting my financial goals last month. I was able to hoard away $1200 in savings, well actually more like $1170 because I forgot to account for my phone bill. But $30 off is not bad. I bought myself a nice sushi dinner in celebration and enjoyed it greatly.

This month is taking off slowly. Yesterday and today were not very lucrative at work but I hope that my profits will increase through the month.

Another thing that is taking a minor hit at my finances is my attempts at a social life, but as this is something I feel is good for me, I won't chastise me too much. I have started dating but I guess I am a little embarrassed about my increasing frugality. I am proud, but I feel weird saying "I can't afford to go out to dinner" because I know he will pay for me, and I don't like it. None of our dates have been very expensive but compared to my lack of spending seeing $10 or $8 in my food category is a little depressing.

But it is a small price to pay for happiness.
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On another hand, I may get my financial column. I am almost giddy at the thought. I am hoping this could provide both valuable experience and some extra cash. As my potential employer may glance over this site, I won't put an estimate but I hope to get enough to start saving in a Roth IRA next year as well as provide a bit of breathing room in my budget and save more for a potential vacation.

It is a very long way off, but I want to start saving for a big trip in three years. I haven't quite decided where I will go, possibly either Greece or Asia.

Fingers crossed on all accounts!

Happy November all, and good luck on Christmas shopping.