Tuesday, August 12, 2008

First Blog Post Ever!

Someday in the near-far future I may look back at this post and laugh at myself, I hope so. I have just finished my second to last day at the best college summer job ever! I'm serious, this job is pure relaxation. All I do during my shift is push a button that opens the door to a dorm while eating, playing on the computer and watching DVD's. I wouldn't want to do it as a career or anything, but as a summer job, it rules.

But tomorrow my real job begins, sigh. I get to go back to serving tables and cleaning glasses and talking to people. Believe me, I'm not really lazy. In fact I love to have things to do, but my desk job has made me soft. I worked a couple days last week and I came home richer but with very sore feet.

Luckily, thus far I actually like my boss. He's young (I think, I'm guessing his age to be around 26ish) and funny and seems to give half a crap about his employees which compared to my last serving job, is a huge plus.

I really never knew that serving beer could be so lucrative. I started out at Denny's were a server would make around $50 for working 6 hours and that be a great day. Then I moved on to a better restaurant that had much higher prices and make around $45 in 4 hours. But in the last week I have worked around 6 hours and made around $75 a night, and that is during the slow times. The other servers told me that I could expect to earn $100-$150 every night!

I try and post on Wednesday after work to tell y'all how it went.


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