Tuesday, February 24, 2009

No Longer AWOL

I'm back...
As anyone not currently living in a cave should know, it is a financially scary time, but I am personally feeling great about my financial situation. I have been at my current serving job for about seven months and I still really like working there. I have been making awesome tips (though unfortunately not as much as last month, people are getting stingier, but not by much). I should be able to hoard away nearly $1,200 this month, and an additional decent amount (in my piggy bank) for my next trip. This will bring my San Francisco move fund to a total of $5,000, over 20% of my highest goal!!! Having a round number and a decent start on my grand total is really inspiring me to save more.

This inspiration has turned me (at least for the last two weeks) into a savings fiend. Thus far, I have had about 14 no-spend days and I expect to have a couple more before months end. I am also actually excited about working and making more money, I've been asking for more hours which is unusual for me.

Unfortunately my big savings account (which is Wells Fargo Bonds) is not feeling as inspired, I think I have lost about $200 in all, not bad considering the financial disasters happening everywhere. So I think after I get five grand in this account I'll stand working on a CD, which brings in less interest (though at least I'll be gaining money instead of losing it) and I may want to invest a small (possibly $1000) amount in the stock market in something that is sucking right now but which will improve sometime in the future like an electric or water company...any ideas?

But one thing which is in trouble financially is my university. My poor school has had to make about $200 million in budget cuts this year meaning that they have started slashing left in right. Two of our museums have closed and the others have dramatically reduced their hours and staff, they've cut the arts programs by 75% (though the sports programs are going strong...hmm) and they've laid off nearly 100 professors.
It could be worse, the other state school in Arizona has cut their scholarship program.

I'm just hoping my finances remain strong, and that all your has also remained healthy!!!

I will write more tomorrow about my vacation, and hopefully upload pictures.

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